Thursday, April 3, 2014

Traffic fatality incidents in February lower than normal – by Samantha Loomis

21 people died in traffic accidents in Wisconsin In February. This is five fewer than Feb. of 2013 and nine fewer than the five-year average for February, according to preliminary statistics from Wisconsin Department of Transportation.

“With the frigid temperatures and snow storms last month [Feb.], people reduced their driving, which helped curtail serious traffic crashes,” says David Pabst, director of WisDOT Bureau of Transportation Safety.

This is the lowest rate in 77 years. The deadliest year was 1968 with 73 fatalities in February.

Nicer weather now allows bicyclists and pedestrians to bike or walk outside. The sidewalks may still be covered in ice or snow, causing bikes and walkers to occupy the road instead. This makes driving more dangerous, considering the obstacles and people that may be in the road.

As a reminder Pabst warns, “To prevent crashes, drivers should always eliminate distractions and pay strict attention to traffic conditions as well as the other roadway users around them. In addition, bicyclists, pedestrians, scooter riders and motorcyclists must obey all traffic signals and other laws. We all must share the road,”

For more information, contact:

David Pabst, 608-266-3048,