Thursday, February 20, 2014

Self-Serve iPad Kiosk New to Murphy Library, by Samantha Loomis

 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse’s Murphy Library has added a new iPad kiosk in between the reference and circulation desks. Previously, students had to go to circulation and swipe their IDs to check out an iPad. Now, the library features a self-service kiosk.

Students use the M.I.L.K machine, Murphy iPad Lending Kiosk, to check an iPad out by swiping their campus ID and grabbing an iPad. The iPad is available for check-out for four hours and can be used in or outside of the library. To return the iPad, put it in an empty slot.

Librarian Heather Jett originally had the idea to purchase an iPad kiosk. “I can’t remember where I first saw the kiosk—somewhere online. It’s an eye-catching device and having the kiosk to perform the resets for the iPads saves a significant amount of staff time as well.”

iPad check-out is a free service provided by the library and its budget. Jett adds, “We are grateful to the Provost for providing the funding for the machine.”

Jett is not the only librarian involved in the process, Kate Russell, who specializes in library systems and technology, participated in buying the kiosk and getting it up and running.

“The kiosk has been an exciting addition to the library. I am pleased with how well it has worked and how easy it is to use. Last week, our kiosk checked out more iPads than any of the other kiosks supported by Tech Logic, the company we purchased it from.”

Late fees for the iPads run for .16 per minute or $10 an hour; if the iPad is lost or damaged fines can run up to $600.

Apps installed on the iPads range from free games to interactive learners. For the full list access,