Thursday, February 6, 2014

Replace Propane with Wisconsin Wood Products

Wisconsin’s 250,000 rural propane users could find relief from price spikes by switching to biomass, from the state’s forest and agricultural products.

 “Wisconsin is one of the county’s leading biomass producing states,” according to RENEW Wisconsin. A renewable energy advocate group.  Biomass can be pellets or cord wood.  Areas without natural gas are now paying $4.01 for propane, almost double the $2.29 price a year ago.  The Energy Information Administration predicts high prices will continue from world demand; prices are even higher than in the U.S.

 “The more Wisconsin citizens take advantage of our own renewable resources for our energy needs, the better we protect ourselves against similar situations in the future while creating jobs and business opportunities here at home,” says Tyler Huebner, executive director.

RENEW Wisconsin says Wisconsin has 7 pellet mills and 23 wood brokers.  In addition, new technologies and standards for wood and pellet stoves make them cleaner burning.

Huebner says propane users should be included in the Focus on Energy program. It provides a resource for saving energy costs: from advice on insulating and buying efficient appliances for homeowners, to incentives for switching to renewable energy. He also suggests state grants for feasibility studies for using biomass in businesses, municipalities and schools as well.

The Heating for the Midwest Conference will be held in Green Bay on April 29; register at