La Crosse is an urban community with busy commutes, so traffic
areas near UWL have become more dangerous.
UWL Police Chief Scott Rohde says high traffic areas in LaCrosse
circle the campus. Since Main Street recently reopened in 2013, even more
traffic travels through campus. In 2012,
a UWL student walking across LaCrosse Street was fatally injured by a car.
One area of high traffic incidents includes the intersection
of HWY 16 and La Crosse Street east of campus.
The intersection of West Avenue
and La Crosse Street has been labeled a high incident accident area for
pedestrians. West Avenue going south to Gundersen Lutheran Hospital is also
considered a high risk area.
More drivers are running red lights, says Rohde.
Awareness of campus policies and high risk accident spots is important. For more information regarding dangerous roads look up pin
maps on WI DOT, Bureau
Transportation Safety.