Physical health is a frequent topic of college students; however,
mental health, an equally important topic, often goes un-discussed. October 10th
is National Depression Screening Day, and UWL will be offering free screenings
at the Counseling & Testing Center between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM for any
university students.
Due to the stress of balancing a budget, relationships,
school work, and a job all at once, college is a likely place for mental
illnesses to begin. According to the National Institute on Mental Health, 75
percent of lifetime cases of mental health conditions begin by age 24.
Because it cannot be physically seen, mental health issues
are hard to diagnose by people not qualified, especially if the person
suffering doesn’t come forward. Even if a student’s professor or co-worker
notices a problem with the individual, it is considered bad etiquette to ask
such personal questions.
Implying that a person does not look “okay” might just close
them off from the world even further. The social stigma surrounding mental
issues is reason enough for college students to avoid the topic. At the risk of
being ridiculed or judged by their peers, many people will convince themselves
that they don’t need any help.
The best way to get help is to talk to someone about it,
whether it be a friend, family member, or a doctor it is important to address
the illness as soon as possible. Depression is a very serious and potentially
deadly mental disorder. If an individual knows someone who is suffering from
depression they must approach the situation carefully. While talking about it
is the best route, saying the wrong thing could make things worse. says that when talking to someone who is suffering from
depression the person should “Acknowledge the depression and don’t trivialize
it. Let the individual know that you recognize that their not just lazy or
feeling sorry for themself. Give the person permission to feel depressed.”
According to the Center for Disease Control, suicide is the
3rd leading cause of death on college campuses.