Some UW-La Crosse students neglect their bicycles, and the university claims them at the end of each semester. The campus issues out a warning, saying that it
will eventually take them if they are not moved from a particular spot if left
for a certain length of time.
Bicycles no longer claimed by their students end
up part of the Green Bike Program.
The Green Bike Program allows students can rent a
bicycle for $15. All the bicycles are donated,
spray painted green for rental or scrapped for parts that could be used. The metal that it does not use from the
bicycle is then recycled rather than thrown away. Those involved in the program have also begun
to use the bike parts for making chairs.
The program was started by the UW-L Environmental
Council in 2004 and has since then expanded.
It is now part of the Outdoor Connection, having rented over 200
bicycles and recycled as much as 40,000 pounds of metal.