Alternate side parking regulations
remain in effect for campus and the greater La Crosse area after winter break
at UW-L.
The city ordinance states that
“Between the hours of 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM, from November 1 to April 1, vehicles
shall be parked only on even numbered sides of the street on those nights when
an even calendar date (after midnight), and on odd numbered sides of streets on
those nights with an odd calendar date (after midnight).”
This ordinance does have an exempt
zone for the entirety of campus and a few blocks outward. The perimeter
of this zone uses La Crosse St. and State St. as one set of boundaries, and 16th
St. and West Avenue as the other. Vehicles parked in this area do not
have to switch sides every day, only as deemed necessary by the city.
Failure to abide by these regulations will result in a $10 fine. This
fine could increase to $30 for your first or second offense if a 48 hour “snow
removal period” is declared. A vehicle parked incorrectly may be towed.
The city will inform residents if
the ordinance is in effect in the exempt area through the La Crosse City
website. Other options for these notifications include a twitter account or
signing up to receive text notifications.
Additional information can be found