Sunday, April 14, 2013

Health Care at UWL, by Scott Schell

  The fall semester at UWL exposes students to a lot of new people, cultures, and plenty of new germs. Within the weeks of school and at streesful times throughout, many students find themselves getting sick. It is important for students to know what the Student Health Center can provide during the school year.
SHC staff recommends that students maintain a healthy diet, create strong sleep habits, and keep drinking to a minimum, all of which are reasons why students get sick early on and throughout the year. Its very common that students get sick because they are placed within confined living quarters and generally are exposed to classrooms that have many germs being spread throughout.
The SHC provides a medical dispensary, immunization services, medical evaluation and treatment, etc. All UWL students have the ability to use the facility at their convenience as long they are taking at least one credit. The SHC is located on the first floor of the Health Science Center near the information kiosk. For more information about UWL’s Student Health Center visit or call (608) 785-8558 for an appointment or questions.