Thursday, May 1, 2014

Writing Center Offers Pre-Finals Hunker Event, by Madison Norris

The University of Wisconsin- La Crosse’s Writing Center invites students to the very first Writing Center Pre-Finals Hunker.

The event offers students a concentrated, four-hour period to work on papers due during finals week, says Writing Center director, Virginia Crank. From 6-10 p.m. on May 7, students are welcome to utilize the Writing Center tables and receive help from the available Writing Center tutors.

“The Writing Center tutors have really helped me out in the past. They can help with big concept ideas or even help identify grammar errors throughout the paper,” says UWL sophomore Michelle Kilby.

Snacks and beverages will be provided as well as periodic breaks for activities like stretching and playing games. Students who stay the entire time are eligible to win a $25 gift card to MOKA.

“This event is not a social; it’s designated to be an isolated time to finish papers,” says Crank. The periodic activities and the chance to win a MOKA gift card are being used as an incentive for students to stay the entire time to complete assignments.

Registration is required and is limited to 20 students. Sign up by emailing
The Writing Center is located in 253 Murphy Library. The event will happen in rooms 253 and 256 Murphy.

Those interested in making another appointment before the end of the semester can visit Walk-ins are welcome as well.