The Wisconsin Public Service urges hunters and fishers to check
the status of heating systems in close quarters. Be sure there are no fire
hazards and proper ventilation to avoid carbon monoxide. “CO is an odorless,
colorless and tasteless gas and can be produced by improper burning and venting
of fossil fuels such as natural gas, wood, propane, gasoline or kerosene,” according
to WPS.
High CO levels can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue,
nausea, confusion, flu-like symptoms, and possibly death. For any of these
symptoms immediately seek fresh air. Open all of the windows in the quarters
and dial 9-1-1 if there are any health concerns.
As a matter of routine this time of year, test smoke alarms
and be sure to have extra batteries on hand. Please recycle old batteries. Check
chimneys and vents which may be plugged by debris.
Hunters should also avoid shooting near power lines. A shot
to a line can cause damage for an entire electrical area.
Contact WPS 24-hour Emergency Service at 800-450-7240 to
report a dangerous hunting situation or location.