Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Is National Preparedness Month

The end of Summer means back to school, raking leaves, and starting to plan for Winter weather emergencies.

September is "National Preparedness Month," according to Wisconsin Emergency Management. University students in new apartments should add this to getting settled.

One important step, according to WEM, is to be informed about specific, possible emergencies, and the landlord or other tenants could be a useful source.

People "need to be self-reliant and prepared for days without utilities such as electricity, water and phone service," says WEM. Renters particularly need to know whether to call a landlord first, or utility company or contractor for repairs. This may affect their own cost or return of security deposit.

Gas stations, supermarkets, and other sources of supplies should be planned in advance. The Ready Wisconsin website,, has information for creating emergency plans and a supply kit.

The City of LaCrosse may announce snow removal periods and prohibit on-street parking even in areas exempt from the alternate side parking rule. Check