Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Healthcare Info Sessions


Wisconsin insurance officials are explaining the new federal healthcare law Tuesday, Sept. 3, in Eau Claire and LaCrosse.  The Eau Claire meeting is 10 to 11:30a.m., and the LaCrosse meeting is 3-4:30p.m., at the Public Library.  Everyone can attend, and the agenda will be determined by questions.
 Staff from the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance will also “highlight the most important issues people should be aware of,” according to a statement from O.C.I.

O.C.I. says it intends to “provide a forum for citizens to gather unbiased information.”  Commonly called “Obamacare,” the law is actually entitled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or A.C.A. for short.  The law is effective next Jan 1, and individuals without health insurance can begin signing up on Oct. 1 this year.
 “As with any new law, there is always a certain level of confusion. While this is a federal law, it is OCI's role to protect and educate consumers about their responsibilities and how they may be impacted,” according to the O.C.I. statement.